AFF Youth Gala

AFF Youth Gala

Thu 31 Oct 6:30 PM

Palace Nova Eastend: ExiMax
General Admission
All Ages
120 Mins | 2024 | Event | Short | AFF Youth | Red Carpet
Thu 31 Oct

Shortlisted films from the AFF Youth Filmmaking Competition will be presented and awarded at the AFF Youth Gala, where young filmmakers will have the chance to walk the red carpet, get their photo snapped and see their work on the big screen in front of a full cinema. The Gala will be hosted by Jessica McCall from BTS with Jess.

Students will compete for the following awards:

Best South Australian Primary School Film – $500

Best South Australian Middle School Film – $500 presented by AFTRS

Best South Australian Senior School Film – $500 presented by UniSA

Best Director – $500 presented by Flinders University
Thu 31 Oct

Palace Nova Eastend: ExiMax

3 Cinema Place Adelaide, South Australia, 5000