Mercury Cinema

Mercury Cinema

13 Morphett St
Adelaide, South Australia, 5000
Phone:(08) 8410 0979

Established in 1974, The Mercury is a much beloved art-house cinema and independent non-profit member organisation governed by a board of directors. Key stakeholders include subscribers, patrons, the broader arts industry, screen guilds and key funders. The Mercury act as a bridging organisation that provides emerging screen makers with a pathway into a screen career and are home to a lifelong screen culture community. They have two cinemas, The Mercury (seats 186) and The Iris (seats 36), which are both homes to their exhibition programs including Cinematheque, Heaps Good Cinema and Silver Screen, as well as the Adelaide Film Festival.

Accessibility Information

The Mercury Cinema is accessible with step-free access into the venue and main cinema. There is one accessible parking space for patron use and an accessible bathroom. Wheelchair seating is at the front of the main cinema. The smaller cinema, the Iris, does not have step-free or wheelchair access and is used only for Adelaide Film Festival’s VR program. Closed captions and audio descriptive options may be available on select films at The Mercury.
Please contact The Mercury via email or by phone +61 8 8410 0979 to discuss your needs ahead of a screening.